10.4 FRI

Windy City

Windy City

| 뿌리와 본성을 찾아가는 여정, Windy City |

윈디시티(Windy City)는 2004년에 결성되어 2006년 첫 앨범 Love Record로 데뷔하여 ‘한국 사람이 하는 레게음악’이라는 음악적 방향을 갖고, 아프로비트와 덥 등 다양한 음악적 시도를 벌이고 있습니다. 7년 만의 재결성 이후, 음악을 통해 뿌리와 본성을 찾아가는 여정을 이어가고 있습니다. 여러 나라에서의 연주 여행, 꾸준한 활동을 통해 점점 더 선명해지는 Roots and Culture를 음악에 담아내고 있습니다.

올해 Road to BU-ROCK(Seoul)에 출연하며 부산국제록페스티벌에 대한 기대감을 끌어올린 Windy City의 무대를 기대해 주세요!

| Windy City, A journey to discover roots and essence |

Windy City is based on leader Kim ban-jang from Asotounion. It’s a reggae and soul band started on 2004 summer, windy afternoon. They released first album called ‘Love Record’ and second album called ‘countryman’s vibration.’ Also they have two mini album psychedelicious city, and 2more lover (only japan). They respect the sound of Africa music, Reggae, Salsa, and make their own unique sound. They keep on trying, trying, and trying to find new sounds. They are working on a new collaboration album with Jamaican musicians and starting promotions in Europe as well. One step forward to the world is the actual message.

Please look forward to the performance of Windy City, who raised expectations for 2024 Busan International Rock Festival by performing at the Road to BU-ROCK(Seoul)!